Italy Trip – Rome, Florence & Venice

Italy Trip – Rome, Florence & Venice

Last Updated on February 3, 2018 by Carissa

 Italy has been one of the top places that I’ve wanted to visit for a long time (amongst many other places on my list haha), so during the Easter holidays, my boyfriend and I decided, as our first trip together, to travel to Italy! 😀 We visited 3 places~ Rome, Florence and Venice (in that order). We flew from Stansted Airport to Rome and stayed there for 4 days, then travelled by train to Florence and stayed there for 3 days, then lastly visited Venice by train for 2 days. It was one heck of a journey with all that travelling, but it was worth it as the places were so beautiful! My favourite place has to be Rome though; everything just looks so authentic, and there were just so many attractions to see, such as the Colosseum and Trevi Fountain, to name a few. We could’ve spent a whole week there exploring and wouldn’t be bored! Florence is known to be a romantic place to visit but there was not as much to see compared to Rome, so a few days there was enough for us. Venice was also lovely, and taking a boat ride around Venice is a must! But everything there was pretty expensive ><
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Although we only spent 9 days altogether in Italy, it was a great trip and we’d definitely want to visit it again! We also planned on visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa but unfortunately we couldn’t make it as I was feeling unwell during that time, so we’ll have to save that one for another time 🙂
Overall, Italy has impressed me and the people there were so friendly and welcoming. But I’ve had enough of eating pasta and pizza for a while 😉 The coffee was amazing in Italy, UK just can’t compare!
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More details on the individual places of Rome, Florence and Venice coming up soon!

Carissa xxx